
Legal Site Description SE1/4 32-9-9W2M
Hours of Operation M-F 7:00-19:00, Weekend 7:00-17:00
Phone Number 1 306-457-2512
Emergency Phone Number 1 877-500-7759
Glen Wiens
1 306-458-7959
Driving Directions
Driving directions from Weyburn
- Travel east on Highway 13 for approximately 50.7 km
- Turn left (north) on a High Grade Grid road and travel approximately 8.5 km.
- Turn left (northwest) on Highway 33 and travel approximately 2.1 km.
- Turn right (north) on gravel road and travel for approximately 2.2 km.
- The facility is on the left side of the road.
Driving directions from Stoughton
- Travel northwest on Highway 33 for approximately 14.7 km.
- Turn right (north) on gravel road and travel for approximately 2.2 km.
- The facility is on the left side of the road.
- Supported Waste
- Unsupported Waste
Approval Numbers
PO12-137 (Facility)
Contact Us
We encourage you to sign up for email notices to receive updated information regarding construction activities and project milestones.
Sign up for Project email notices
FEP contact page
If you wish to speak to our Project team, contact us!
Phone: 1-888-881-7788
Email: FutureEnergyPark@maskwaenv.com